Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog Worthy!!

So, I have been absolutely TERRIBLE about blogging...obviously! Today is only half over and there is so much to document. I know I will look back on this day and laugh, but today is NOT that day.
Here we go! I woke up this morning to Addysen crying. I came downstairs to feed her and Adam was hanging out with Brynn. Adam infomed me that Brynn had a little diarrhea this morning and she had left a little "skid mark" in her panties. I can deal with that, at least she didn't UNLOAD in her pants, right?!
A couple week ago we bought Brynnley her first pet. A goldfish that happens to have two names. Some days she call him Dave and some days she call her Molly (names she came up with on her own). Not only does this fish have two names, but it also is male and female. Brynn has been very diligent about feeding this fish every day and likes to watch it eat. Well today, Molly (the name she picked for today) was floating in her side....uh oh, here comes the circle of life talk. After some tears and explaining to Brynn that Molly had died and it is ok to be sad, she wanted to give Molly a funeral. Brynn poured her in the potty and flushed it and said good bye. She handled it like a champ, but still shed a few tears. I felt so bad to have subjected her to it, but I guess it is just a fish and we can always go buy a new one. So that was our emotional morning.
After that, it was time to get ready to take Addysen to the doctor for her 2 month check up. I have mixed emotions about these visits. I am always excited to see how she is growing but dread the thought of those plump little thighs having multiple needles jabbed in them....and the screaming and tears that accompany it. It is soooo sad to watch. I told brynn that we were all gonna go, but of course she didn't want to. She has a little pimple looking lesion on her hand that has been hurting her. Yesterday she was excited to go to the doctor so that he could look at it. This morning was a different story. Once we all got in the car, she started screaming and crying bloody murder. I asked her what was wrong. She replied " I don't want the doctor to give me shots....I'm scared " :( So I explained to her that she WOULD NOT be getting any shots and the doctor was just going to look at her hand. She seemed fine after that. Well we are brought back to the room and things are going great. Addysen is now weighing 10 pounds 14 ounces (39%), her height 22 1/2 inches (32%) and her head is in the (38%)....very proportional!! After the nurse leaves and we are waiting for the doctor, Brynn tells me she needs to go to the bathroom. I was NOT willing to risk a diarrhea accident, so I found a nurse to hold Addysen, and brought Brynn to the bathroom. Well, all that worry for nothing...all she had to do was pee. Disaster avoided! Back in the patient room where we are waiting for the doctor. Brynn keeps saying in a super whiney voice "mommy, I dont wanna see the doctor. I dont want him to look at my hand, I dont want to get shots." Again I tell her she wont get any ouchies and if she doesnt want the doctor to look at her hand, then he wont! She seemed fine again. Well, in come the doctor. You would have thought the world was coming to and end! Brynn immediately starts SCREAMING/CRYING....Louder than she was in the car. I can't hear a thing the doctor is saying. I am holding Addysen (who is fussing) and trying to calm Brynn and attempting to hear the doctor. Brynn has my leg in a death grip and is hiding from the doctor. The doctor, thankfully, takes Addysen and was being super nice to Brynn (even gives her a new book). Brynn is begging to be picked up, so I accomodate her. Thats when I notice she just farted up the place...and REEKS!! She then says "I need to go potty." Based on the smell of her fart, I don't doubt that one bit. The doctor has even noticed the smell....great. Not the best timing however, the doctor is in the middle of doing his exam on Addysen and is talking to me about some important things. So the doctor hurries with the exam and off we rush to the bathroom...Addysen included. Well as we are going to the bathroom I notice Brynn's cute BRAND NEW skirt, has a lovely little brown addition on the back. That's right, it was not a was full blown diarrhea in her pants! Perfect..... Well I had to lay Addysen on a blanket on the floor ( who is now screaming) so I could take off Brynns skirt, leggings, and panties without smearing it all over her legs. Luckily I had an extra pair of jeans for her in my diaper bag...but not panties. My little girl get her first experience at going "comando." After multiple baby wipes I get Brynn as cleaned up as I could. We go back to our room and the nurse luckily has a plastic bag I can put the rank clothes into. Now Addysen get her shots....and screams, of course. It was so sad, I have never heard her scream like that...poor baby. After being fed Addysen is happy, Brynn is eating a snack and things have calmed down. I decided McDonald's drive thru was a great idea cause I was in no mood to fix lunch. Addysen fell asleep in the car, Brynn at her nuggets and fries, took a shower, and put on some pull-ups, and is now down for a nap as well!! I also forgot to mention that i have a cold or is all in my chest. It is so thick that I can't cough anything up and my throat is super sore from all the pointless coughing. Well, that gets us through 1:00pm! I hope this day gets better. Even though today has been a minature nightmare...I do love my girls!!