Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I have rotten luck!!

Being a mother is wonderful....but sometimes frusterating. According to babywise Brynnley should be sleeping through the night, but she isn't. We have tried letting her cry it out for a few nights, but it hasnt worked. Adam and I decided that she must be hungry, so we are feeding her when she wakes up at 3 am. I just assumed she is not capable of sleeping through the night yet and that she really does need to eat. Just when you think you have it figured out.......

Well I caught Brynn's cold and started feeling really crappy on Saturday night and all Sunday. Sunday night/early Monday morning I woke up at 230 am with a painful ear infection. I dont think I slept for more than an hour between 230 and 730 am. I just laid in bed hoping the pain would go away, but it didnt. Adam told me to get him up when Brynnley would wake up and he would feed her a bottle so that I could try to rest/sleep. Well guess what....Brynnley didn't wake up until 730 am!!!! Of course it had to happen the night I couldnt get any sleep. Well I got up first thing on Monday and went to the Dr. to get diagnosed with an inner ear infection and then the the pharmacy for some lovely antibiotics. Monday night (last night) comes around and I my ear pain is starting to go away so I am hopeful for some sleep and that Brynnley might be on a new schedule of sleeping until 730 am. Well so much for wishing because the little girl woke up at 3 am and then 630 am. No sleeping in for me!!! So the quest for sleeping throught the night continues :) I am just happy the Brynn isn't sick anymore and that her cold was a minor one. She is a wonderful baby and we are so blest that she is as happy as she is!!!


M+J=K3+E said...

Don't worry Noelle, Kyler still isn't totally sleeping through the night either. The past three nights though I have made it til 4:30-5:00. Sometimes it sucks being a mom especially when you're sick. Get better soon. It was great to see you guys. Brynn is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Denice said...

That sucks Noelle...I hope you feel better soon and that Brynn realizes that sleeping through the night is a very good thing! :)

Miriam said...

Just remember, one day she really will sleep through the night! It's true, but so hard to imagine sometimes. Sadie was still waking and eating 2-3 times a night until she was 10 months old, It was so hard, but it eventually will end and you'll have the beauty of a full nights rest before you know it!

Stephanie said...

Oh yes. I remember those days well. How old is she? She will figure out soon how to sleep all the way through the night! ; )

What worked best for us is that we taught both of our girls how to hold their own bottles so when they got older all we had to do was give them their bottle at night. This was, of course, once they were a little older and we capable of burping themselves.

Good luck! I hope soon that you wake up in a panic thinking something is wrong because she slept through the night! hehe! ; )

the Forrest Diaries said...

Don't worry She is testing the waters to see if she likes sleeping through the night. Give it a week or so and she'll be sleeping through the night.

Anonymous said...

why didn't you use the eardoc? it is the best thing for ear infections.
it is not invasive and not a medication and relives the pain fast.

Lauren said...

Jackson wasn't a textbook babywise baby like Ryan. I had to let him cry it out for several nights and then gave him the pacifier. He was one of the babies that got his "clock" stuck on 3am.