Friday, May 02, 2008


So today I went in for me 38 week appointment (actually a fews days past 38 weeks)!! The past two exams havent revealed much. At my 37 week appt. I was informed that I wasnt dilated or effaced at all...but that my cervix was softening. I've been feeling a bit more discomfort in the pelvic region, so I was sure something must be happening down there...but NO!!! Still not effaced and still not dilated. BUMMER!! The Dr. brought up the "c" word today...(c-section), which I dont like the idea of, but if thats what we have to do then that is what we have to do. So much for being diligent with going to the gym and going on walks...they havent done anything to speed the process up!!! Next weeks appointment will hopefully reveal some progress. We will keep everyone posted on any progress, or lack thereof :)


Lauren said...

Thanks for the update. I have been checking for good news:) Hang in are almost done.

the Forrest Diaries said...

I feel your frustration! it is REALLY hard to wait after the 30 week point, I think.

Denice said...

Dana and I still think you're beautiful and your belly is so cute! Dana just wants to know though...which "c" word?!?!

Lambert the Sheepish Lions said...

Chin up. She won't stay in there forever, although some days I know it feels like she will. ;)