Friday, October 27, 2006

Our new home!

I thought I would attempt to attach some pictures of our new home so you all can see a little glimpse of Spokane. The scenery here is beautiful and we find ourselves exploring on the weekends...well that was before it got cold here. It is already getting into the low 30s in the evenings, but somehow is nice during the day. I guess it is only nice if the sun comes out, if it stays behind the clouds its pretty chilly here. Yup, gotta love the cold wind. Definatly a lot different from Texas wind. When it blows it feels like a giant hair dryer!

We are really enjoying all the outdoor activities here. There are so many places to camp, hike, ride horses, wakeboard, sled, and snow ski (or snowboard). We really would like to get into mountain biking, but the weather is already too I guess we'll have to wait until it warms up a little.


the Forrest Diaries said...

I have to admit the west coast has the perfect weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lauren said...

Wow Noelle. Those pictures are beautiful. When did you move?