Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our newest addition!!

This is kinda outdated...but in October 2009 we got a boxer puppy! We named her Roxy and she is so cute! We've been having a lot of fun with her but we have to remind ourselves that she is still a puupy!! She gets in trouble every once in awhile...but she is getting better. Brynnley absolutely LOVES her and asks for her every morning when we wakes up! Lukily Roxy is great with Brynnn. Brynn loves to come hug her, lay on her, kiss her, etc. They are quite the little pair together.


Gayle Lambert said...

She's a cutie. Hope I'm not allergic to her.

Denice said...

So sweet..you will have to take a pic with her and Brynnley so I can see how much bigger they are.